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12rec : Harp Fragments

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Playtime: 40:02 - 256kb/s - 60.05 MB



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Release Notes

For his new LP "Harp Fragments", Nic decided to hook up with us again. What luck! A lot changed since "Taciturn" and then again everything is the same. You have the dreamy melodies, the bitter-sweet melancholia, that specific Bommarito-feel of being lost in cinescope beauty. While Nic Bommarito is still a loner (despite assistance from his buddy Michael Connolly on viola and harp), the sound on his new album is much more that of a band, a rock band even more. His rhythm section, slightly awkward back then, is replaced by thundering drums (listen to the first track "200 Sugar Packets" to get an idea!). Tender and fragile parts change with fuzz-soaked, shoegazing noise passages that never let miss melody and bliss. Everything is tight and dense, and although the production is not always hi-fi Nic found the perfect form for his beautiful, emotional music.On "Better Than Way Too Post-Rock", all that is Nic Bommarito today is summed up in 5:30 wonderful minutes. The golden ration of crestfallen Americana, North American Folklore and shoegaze Indiepop. Only for this tune, Nic uses a vocal sample, like building a bridge to "Taciturn". And the circle closes... Thank you Nic!

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