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Electrolyt : Haen Zikum Ulus

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:08:01 - 320kb/s - 127.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2017/03/02 09:53h



electronicanoiseglitchnetlabelkid schurkebrain hallelectrolyt Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

At the Brainhall synapses twitch with joy to the beat, when Roman Schürch and Andreas Glauser launch their machines. Frequencies are modulated, punctured, tweaked and pitched. In doing so, the tones and textures of the five tracks are kept well in flux by the fixed rhythm scaffolds and repetitive sequences. Due to the analogue origin of Kid Schurke and Brain Hall’s machine music, the overall sound is organic and warm. This is glitch and hop, noise, ambient and improv jam. Sometimes there are subtle references to the electronic music pioneers of the 70s and sometimes memories of ecstatic synth-thunderstorms on dance floors in the early 90s appear as split-second flashbacks. The long tracks leave space for the music to develop and evolve. Quiet parts turn into tight electro funk monsters and beats disappear in an ocean of noise. It's so exciting and inspiring. For the love of electronic music: Haen Zikum Ulus
Elyt09 is produced, mixed and mastered by
Kid Schurke (Roman Schürch) and Brain Hall (Andreas Glauser)
at Brainhall Studio Zürich, Switzerland, 2016.
Haen Zikum Ulus cover artwork is created by Susana Licéaga in Mexico City, 2017

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