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apogsasis : Grey Delirium Pattern

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Catalog number
Playtime: 59:05 - 320kb/s - 110.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/27 13:27h



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Release Notes

SeB Roy (who appeared as Mithra on the Epilepsy compilation) returns with an hour of improvised madness !

Formerly know as MitHra, My Gloomy Machine (SeB Roy) presents ''The Other Outlet Serie'', a concept album inspired by every daily emotion coming by. Sadness, Rage, Deliverance, The limits are senseless, the creative boundaries obsolete and the imagination stronger than any alienation of the mind. ''The Other Outlet Serie'' has 4 parts : ''Black Delirium Pattern'', ''Blue Delirium Pattern'', ''Grey Delirium Pattern'' & ''Red Delirium Pattern''. My Gloomy Machine is proud to release the ''Grey Delirium Pattern'' part on APOGSASIS, an improvised journey that will lead you into the madness of the circuitry of the creator's soul. Everyday has his part of Paradoxes & Paranoia and My Gloomy Machine knows and expresses it without shame & Indulgence.Enjoy this FREE DOWNLOAD and please spread it. Support the muzik Revolution, DOWNLOAD FREELY!

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