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enoughrecords : Great Stewardship |
Released on Artist Catalog number enrmp303 Playtime: 35:10 - 320kb/s - 65.94 MB Date released 2012/06/12 Date published 2012/06/11 22:52h Downloads 852 Release link |
- Sojourner: The Dark ProjectGutterhulk
- DeadsydeGutterhulk
- Claw Brood[unknown]
- The Magic Rock[unknown]
- Into the Lair[unknown]
- Dae'Uhl[unknown]
- Eye of the Storm[unknown]
- Shadow Hunters - Among the Ruins (End Credits)[unknown]
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Release Notes |
Cinematic dark ambient album by Gutterhulk. A side project from Enough Records previous release artist Pulsipher. Great Stewardship is the soundtrack to an imaginary videogame inspired by other games such as Heart of Darkness, Starcraft and Thief. Co-released by Treetrunk Records and Nakrikal Records.
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