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restingbell : Graveyard Shift

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 22:42 - 320kb/s - 42.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/08/27 10:55h



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Release Notes

The Guanxi pseudonym is orchestraed towards 'a sui generi sound' through research, investigation and with a hunger to explore a constructed visual and non-subjective disposition. "Graveyard Shift" contains 5 pieces of complex and playful sounds from guitar, piano, bells, strings, flute, vocals, field recordings and electronics. Some of the pieces have a noisy and harsh character of a musical sketches, others operate with droning elements and a more calm ambience. And some combine both things. If you want to find a category for this, forget it. For me the most precise analogy would be the sound world of a modern metropolis. You can hear layer over layer of multiple elements which are structured and arranged into a current impression. But it is constantly changing and moving. With every listen you get a different layer of "Graveyard Shift". One time it seems to be a loud and unorganised cluster of tones, the next time you hear a reduced and humming melody, hidden under other elements before. Be curious and adventurous, you will be surprised.

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