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crazy language : Genetic Control Frequencies

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Catalog number
Playtime: 24:42 - 320kb/s - 46.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/07/27 17:41h



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Release Notes

Biomechanical Audio Control

The good son always returns home. Once again, a delightful FMcontrol release for Crazy-Language, keeping the tradition of his broken-beat style of self-created frequency modulation patches and complex musical structure. What’s different this time around is a certain minimalism felt throghout the songs. There aren’t as many crazy layers as in past releases, working with fewer elements but exploring every single one of them to it’s fullest, resulting in some very interesting cold tunes, sending chills down your spine at every turn. There are recognizable elements of acid techno through some vintage synth lines and drum kits, but the results are definently not what you are thinking. It’s a tale of two worlds that FM knows how to combine: cheer mechanical prowess alied to the capacity of sending the most creepy feelings throghout your body. Best suited with good headphones and nice stereo system. [F.G.]

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