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camada netlabel : Gaseosa

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Playtime: 12:02 - 307kb/s - 22.47 MB
Date published
2010/04/30 16:09h



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Release Notes

Vandeweghe hace honor a sus raíces y hace de la experimentación un arma cargada de futuro, el cual pasa por echar la vista al lejano eco del dub de interpretación germánica, y a algo más –ruido, escritura digital, tics y nerviosismo–. De todo ello se vale nuestro amigo para guiarnos hacia la pista enferma. ¡Ojo!, loops de regalo.

Vandeweghe does honor to his roots and does of the experimentation a weapon loaded with future, which passes for throwing the sight to the distant echo of the dub of Germanic interpretation, and to something more - noise, digital writing, tics and edginess-. Of all this our friend uses to guide towards the sick dancefloor. Hey, free loops.

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Camada's classics
Camada's classics
Public Playlist
5 Tracks | Playtime: 28:06
Shut up and listen
Shut up and listen
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14 Tracks | Playtime: 01:25:09

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