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Stroboskop : Future Have No Absturz Remixes

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Playtime: 16:00 - 320kb/s - 30.00 MB
Date published
2010/11/06 09:38h



dubstep80selectronicelectroaciddiscoberlinstroboskopbaile funkapparatdj flusht. raumschmiereshitkatapultbobsanear drum kruemah Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

First of series of virtual remix release eps on DJ Flush author of original track is a member of Shitkatapult records, legendary Berlin mark, owned by well known names T. Raumschmiere and Apparat. Remixes originaly minimal track did top Slovak producents, funy electro-disco remix BOBŠAN, rythmick and even though ethetric dubstep made by EMAH and traditionaly top quality remix with baile funk a 80’s flavoured, gaven together legends of local scene EAR DRUM KRU.

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

15 November 2010
15 November 2010
Public Playlist
9 Tracks | Playtime: 47:05
dubstep techno electro industrial acid dub techno  

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