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FUSELab : Fuselab Podcast 4

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Catalog number
Playtime: 34:08 - 320kb/s - 64.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/06/15 18:18h
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Release Notes

A fresh issue of Fuselab Podcast series by our Moscow-based boogie mate Phil Gerus. All happy, light and creamy - summer melt!
BTW stay tuned for Phil's new EP to be dropped on Fuselab this summer.

01. Davis - Levert
02. King Krule - The Noose of Jah City
03. Bondax - You're So
04. Karma Kid - Lou Lou
05. Aaro Vahtera - 002
06. Charles Murdoch - Ahama
07. Morris - Affairs
08. Maal a Goomba - The Ookie
09. Sin City Status - Clave (Yoin Remix)
10. False-Astronomy - Mister Lies
11. Apollo - 4 Her
12. Exeter - Games (Baby)
13. Lianne La Havas - Lost and Found (Slime remix)
14. M.A.N.D.Y - Blacksmif
15. HLP YUu (Draft 1)

Cover by Evgeny Shchukin
Dutarion: 00:41:30

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