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BFWrecordings : From A Window In A Gift Shop

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Catalog number
Playtime: 29:16 - 320kb/s - 54.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/07/09 11:23h



ambientinstrumentalindierockspoken wordpoetrypost-rocknugaze Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

We continue our tradition of delivering soomething new and interesting in the shape of the spoken word album by Graham Marlowe, backed by the stunning ambient guitar work of P.V. Herrera, better known to some of you as The Danger Girl Starship.

The release includes three bonus tracks, including two instrumental versions of tracks from the album.

Watch the videos:
An Empathy
I Hear It in Technicolor
an Absence of Purity
Thinking Back Now

Graham Marlowe -- spoken word on all tracks, lyrics on four tracks; keyboards on 'Ballard' (Soundcloud track)
P.V. Herrera -- lyrics on 'Mallory Carter' and instrumental work, including drums and effects pedals on all tracks (minus keyboards)
Zach Hanson & Joe Nedbal -- co-production & recording assistance on 'I Hear It In Technicolor', 'An Absence of Purity', 'Mallory Carter', and 'This Light' (West Allis, WI)
Alison Korth -- original artwork
Todd Rongstad -- music videos for 'An Empathy', 'In A Week', 'I Hear It In Technicolor' and 'Thinking Back Now'.

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