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FUSELab : Four Moments

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Catalog number
Playtime: 11:33 - 320kb/s - 21.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/15 18:41h



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Release Notes

Eric Delay, our Fragment in-home pal, produces his new «Four Moments» EP after a long silence he kept for five years. His last performance was also on Fragment, the 12th release of the series.
According to the artist’s words, while working on new material he had to dive into the "disease of the experimenter": deny all the familiar sounds of the standard moves, starting with a blank face, not knowing what to get.
A thing has turned out brief but very intense. Quiet stingy sounds here construct an interesting interaction between the "moments", when it seems that everything is connected and the album is more like some kind of weird "ecosystem." It would be wrong to single out any one of the "moments", as the ideas of each of them find a kind of reflection in remaining ones. But even this may not be so important when it turns out that you are simply listening to the touching and heartfelt music.

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