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Dystimbria : Forsaken Ghosts

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Catalog number
Playtime: 30:02 - 320kb/s - 56.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/02/17 05:51h



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Release Notes

Dystimbria is a netlabel offering works by composers exploring sounds between what might be called 'noise music' and 'ambient music. Each release on this netlabel appropriates sound sources from previous releases on the label, so every release is inter-connected with the others.

Contains samples from all previous Dystimbria releases,
C. Reider, Mysterybear, Kid Feardive, Le Berger, Mystified, Alan Morse Davies, AODL, Mutant Beatniks, Post-Avantist, Cinchel, Miquel Parera Jaques, David Nemeth, Phillip Wilkerson, Schemawound, Scott Lawlor, & Katie Gately.

For this piece all previous Dystimbria releases were utilized in their entirety. I timestretched them all to an equal length of about 30 minutes without preserving pitch. I then rendered this to a backtrack which was duplicated, each running different effects, EQ, etc. I took this process of sampling previous releases one step further and recycled some of my own previous work in the form of some renoise loops, piano, and synths from some live improv sessions. These are from both released and as of yet unreleased material, and were destroyed/repurposed in various ways until they were all but unrecognizable.

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