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SkrowMedia : Forget the Sky

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Catalog number
Playtime: 49:46 - 320kb/s - 93.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/26 22:53h



experimentalambientsoundscapemodern compositionclevelandohioportlandoregon Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

With great pride do we present the debut of experimental, free-genre duo earthbreather. A collaboration between Saffron Slumber and Ellipse, this non-geographically proximal pairing came to be, as these things are, via the internet. In late 2008, Saffron Slumber began “remixing” by way of manipulation and de/reconstruction some brief guitar clips sent to him by Ellipse. The latter, as well, began to perform similar mutations upon pieces created by the former. As this process continued, the songs would evolve into something entirely new, and the process itself became progressively more collaborative. An unwritten manifesto took form between the two artists to ignore the perceived boundaries of genre conventions and to simply create.

On Forget the Sky, earthbreather experiment with various aural textures and explore atmospheres dark and light, concrete and ethereal, consonant and dissonant, all in flowing and relatively structurally free compositional forms. The result is an album that is both cohesive and varied throughout its approximate 50 minute duration.

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