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ElectroSound : Footpaths of Autumn

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Catalog number
Playtime: 28:40 - 320kb/s - 53.75 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/23 10:23h



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Release Notes

This album is the common work of sound designer from Belarus Vitaly Harmash (i/dex) and Kriipis Tulo (Tulo) from Latvia. It is a crystallization of sounds searches and findings, autumn sun, full of warm romantic waves. Music consist of all expressive charms of two electronic music composers and sound designers - Kriipis Tulo and I/Dex. These tunes bring to listeners the cooling breeze of Baltic sea and the freshness of bright and clear autumn sky. Recorded live during improvisations by Kriipis Tulo and I/Dex at Tokctoka Studio, Riga/Latvia.

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