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top 40 : Folk-Avantgarde SuperDrive

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We first met Denis Zabavsky at Glinka Museum of Musical Culture. The evening was dedicated to a balalaika's music, and among the performers were Denis together with his adorable wife Elena (playing on domra). We were really stunned by his style - emotional and soulful improvisations on balalaika shows us the new capabilities of this amazing instrument. It was a pure demonstration of virtuosity, but the music was wonderful by itself!Denis Zabavsky is a professionally trained musician, he successfully graduated from Gnesin Academy of Music in 2005. He was a member of numerous folk-collectives, even the State Academic Ensemble Russia and performed live in various cities and towns of Russia and other countries.This recording is a compilation of tunes, composed and recorded by Denis, his wife Elena and vocalist Ljubov Korneeva: a perfect mixture of mighty traditional Russian music and an amazing virtuosity of balalaika avant-playing. We never thought that this instrument is so great!Denis Zabavsky: balalaika, jaw harpElena Zabavskaya: domraLjubov Korneeva: vocals

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