top 40 : Fitz Ellarald plays Erik Satie
Erik Satie (1866-1925) was a legendary French composer known as one of the earliest forefather of ambient and minimalistic music. His compositions are very popular among the modern classical lovers and they've always been a great source of inspiration for numerous electronic musicians, who made covers and re-interpretations of Satie's tracks. This time, Fitz Ellarald presents his unique and original vision of classical groundbreaking hits of Erik Satie. Two beautiful tracks, accompanied with intro and outro. Tender, flowing guitar melodies, string ambient landscapes, melancholic glitches and crunches, deftly combining the eternal, unearthly beauty of Satie's classical tunes with simplicity and pithiness of consummate composition designs of Vlad Dobrovolski.
R was originally released at Japan, on CD-compilation "Music For Baby!" (Amorfon) – it is now published under Creative Commons with kind permission of label's owner Yoshio Machida.
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