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crazy language : Filic 9 EP

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Playtime: 22:23 - 320kb/s - 41.97 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/04/08 23:00h



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Release Notes

Upcoming release comes all the way from the other side of the atlantic, courtesy of US's Iameb57.An interesting approach was reached on his Filic9 EP that is somewhat being forgotten lately by the most contemporary IDM genres: a sense of melody and emotion being drawn onto detailed glitchy beats. These elements never loose focus throghout the EP, giving some room for experimentation and intricate song structure, from time to time revealing a darker side that's somewhat latent on certain songs and create a nice tension between beauty and creepiness. Going back to the roots of a genre is always difficult, for the approach must be very well thought and also respecting the evolution of the genre in question. Well, both IDM freaks and revivalists, rejoyce! There's enough here to please your senses and intrigue your geek side on how Iameb57 accomplished his detailed morphing programming. Keep an eye out on his myspace for other releases. (F.G.)

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