Playtime: 39:05 - 320kb/s - 73.28 MB Date published 2021/05/03 17:17h
"When the ice breaks, when the snow gives way to cold rain, and the world around wakes up from hibernation, the hike will begin. And it will be so long that it can last a lifetime, and so severe that not everyone will come back. Our hearts are full of indignation, we yearn for revenge and justice! Precisely now, when we are united, we will destroy our enemy, crush this warlock, who dares to call himself our king! Let's erase the very memory of him, we will avenge our fathers. Our ships are fast and our axes are sharp. Our hands are strong and our heads are clear. The gods will only help with a strong spirit, and will leave those who are weak. So may this campaign bring glory to the worthy and death to the despicable. So may the gods fill us with rage and courage! We will restore peace. We are ready to hike!" Latest cinematic album by Russian project Alex Mason.
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2017/03/30 |
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