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VKRS : Faceless

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Playtime: 01:10:00 - 320kb/s - 131.25 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/05/25 23:31h
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housedeepnetlabeltech housedeep housenetaudiobroquevkrsprozentwavelikevlad antonenkogargan recordsdj setsologroove netlabelmelodica netlabeldeep x recordingsunfoundsound recordskreativa recordsloose end & alexandra boykodjane tracymr stylusdeansarp xilmazmlady bulwaroberto clementifranz kubbillumjuanmp & erezquadrakymielleboris heizmannrepeat beat Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Cubix DJ Set - Faceless - VKRSDJ006

01 Loose End & Alexandra Boyko . French Evening ( Original Mix ) . Melodica netlabel
02 DJane Tracy . Sunny Day ( Hyricz Melody from the Sun Remix ) . Melodica netlabel
03 Mr Stylus . Nice Ride . Deep X Recordings
04 Dean . Sender . Prozent
05 Sarp Xilmaz . The world of Cherry Pie . Broque
06 Vlad Antonenko . Dance Groove . Gargan Records
07 Mlady Bulwa . Cassettes . Sologroove Netlabel
08 Roberto Clementi . Long Time . Unfoundsound Records
09 Franz Kubbillum . Blessin Sax . Prozent
10 Juanmp & Erez . ( Sunset Rehab ) Jeff Brinks Remix . Kreativa Records
11 Quadraky feat. Mielle . Revee . Prozent
12 MORPH - Smooth . Las Vegas Night . Repeat Beat
13 Boris Heizmann . Wintermute . Wavelike
14 Mr.Stylus . Something on the Beach . Deep X Recordings />