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Catalog number
Date released
Date published
2010/03/04 11:59h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

After a first connection in Brazil last year with Dubalizer, Fresh Poulp again crosses the Atlantic ocean, Rio De Janeiro direction, precisely in Niterói. With Andreia “Dacal”, 30 years, brazil-based singer, musician, poet and skateboard addict, we offer you a ride between reggae, dub, rap and Brazilian music. Afirmativa, her second album after Caos Roots Control released in 2007, is full with positive energy, hope, commitment, sharing and materials subtle offering a new collection of poetry. Sharing, Andreia prove it with the number of collaborations in Afirmativa. Eight producers (including Lowcut of Dubzoic and Bandulu Dub) and 3 Mc’s. Spring arrives, it’s time to warm up: Afirmativa!

* Fresh Poulp Thanks : Claire Charras, Ludovic Planchot, Simon Roy & Tsunami Wazahari for the last minute helping!! Poulp Up !!

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