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this side music : Eye on the City EP

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Playtime: 17:36 - 320kb/s - 33.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/11 19:47h



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Release Notes

Latest addition to This Side Music's roster, irishman Mick Chillage, an avid music lover for decades and long-time contributor to the underground electronic scene in his homelands, beatifully crafts his inspiration and influences to create three fresh sounding analog tracks which retain their old-school character while they keep an open eye to the future. Eye on the City sets off electro-style with its acidic bassline and breakbeat rhythm paving the way for the melody and a huge bass synth to kick in. Keep in mind that this melody may stick in your head for a while! Next up, Project Echo sounds exactly like one should expect; filled with echoing synths and a so-deep bassline along a filtered detroit rhythm section that invite you to join their dubby soundspace. The last track on the EP, Altitude, promises to get you as high as you let yourself; and it couldn't miss with a soft & nice melody like this. All tracks w+p by Mick Chillage, 2008, Dublin, Ireland. Mastered by Dimitri Barnias 2008, Crete, Greece.

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