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PandaFuzz : Extravagance

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Catalog number
Playtime: 21:16 - 320kb/s - 39.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/07/05 23:01h



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Release Notes

Rad Manor operates on some pathways commonly found in the early days of the pandafuzz initiative, some of which I am sure floats around the internet. It is nice to revisit those sounds and it is even better to find new energy behind them…and it is this new energy that brings Rad Manor’s EP Extravagance to the forefront of the pandafuzz wave in 2011.

Nostalgic comparisons aside, Rad Manor’s Jacob Wright taps into something quite human and emotional…electronic music bathed in dust but aimed directly at your core. Suitable for late night burn out sessions or your low key floor staring dance party. Also suitable for rooftop excursions at maximum volume. At only 4 tracks, bookends provided by one of Jacob’s favorite songs being lost in the ether, it is 21 minutes spent exploring Jacob’s quest for buried electronic sound.

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