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Feedoptions : Evanescente

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Catalog number
Playtime: 19:18 - 266kb/s - 29.22 MB
Date released
Date published
2015/10/12 20:59h



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Release Notes

The EP is called: Evanescente. This is Latin word that means – the evanescent.

The three tracks on EP tells story about few important key events in life. Track number 1 – Decaying Vegetation shows life in bloom, which starts slowly end up. Despite attempts to preserve life and "to be" it falling apart into dust anyways. Track number 2 – Modulated Grief – shows regret after life that is lost and appeared in various forms, from reconciled way to exploding regret after life that is lost. Track number 3 – The exit time /port 1522/ – represents an escape from the circle of reincarnation. Escape from time and space and mind which perceives reality as it is up to the Absolute.

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