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Astor Bell : Ephedra

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Catalog number
Playtime: 24:21 - 320kb/s - 45.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/25 15:06h



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Release Notes

Compared to the more playful debut, Socket Science slows things down on the follow up Ephedra. Three dark, distorted and long jams that focus on the lower frequencies yet remain true to the core idea, being Robot Music with Soul.

It's easy to envision lined up drones doing their monotonic labour in dirty factories. However, these pieces of music also carry the reverberation of their children playing on the school yard across the street, as well as the moans and squeaks of the community elders in need of an oil tin refreshment. Everyone's invited, everyone plays a part.

And not to forget; all these influences and emotions are packed upon a quite steady and bouncy beat. Do your club a favor and spin it.

Recorded and produced at The Consulate in Stockholm, Sweden. Mastering by Jens Eklund: Cover image used with kind permission from Brock Davis:>