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ElectroSound : ElectroSound Podcast episode 4

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Catalog number
Playtime: 36:21 - 320kb/s - 68.16 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/25 21:53h



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Release Notes

Episode 4 of ElectroSound podcast (mixed by Ilyas Mikanaev) is another selection of great underground tunes, made by independent Russian artists, as all music appeared in this mix is self-released only.

Ambidextrous - Barrackuda / self-released
The Dobro - The Earth is Crying / self-released
~▲†▲~ - Tangent Pile Wall / self-released
4 Position of Bruno - The Panic Attack of Young Mothers / self-released
moroza_knozova - Tskoy Mil / self-released
Milinal and Monokle - Any / self-released
Uniquetunes - Dr. Sartor / self-released
Heart Blockade - Next Station Spring / self-released
Yellow Blue Bus (feat. Xenia Mia) - Something Good / self-released

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