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fish recordings : Effect - Surrender

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Catalog number
Playtime: 6:53 - 320kb/s - 12.91 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/24 00:12h



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Release Notes

folks we managed to reach release number thirteen, the unlucky thirteen,as we say in germany and probably in your country, too. that may bediffer from country to country.but if we look at some sportsmen we will see that the connection betweennumber "13" and bad luck is doubtful:first, basketball-player wilt "the stilt" chamberlain wore the numberthirteen throughout his whole career and he is the holder of 72 (!!!)official nba records. amazing, isn't it?second, american football quarterback dan marino played his whole careerwith the miami dolphins in the nfl with the number thirteen on his backand guess what, he is holding 17 nfl records and 31 miami dolphinsrecords. he is for sure one of the greatest quarterbacks in the historyof american football.if looking at ice hockey crack mats sundin, it will be revealed that heis playing with the number thirteen throughout his nhl career. he isthe first european player to be picked first overall in the entry draftand he is the longest serving european captain of an nhl franchise. heholds nearly every scoring record in toronto maple leafs history andevery scoring record for swedish players in nhl history.another big man in american sports, baseball pro alex "a-rod" rodriguezhas been wearing the thirteen since he is playing for the new yorkyankees. he is the holder of 12 major league records and he is still anactive player. he has the richest contract in baseball history and he isthe youngest player ever to hit 500 home runs. he can be considered asone of the best all-around baseball players ever.famous german soccer player gerd "bomber" müller always wore thethirteen in international appearences and he is by far the best strikerin german football history. he holds records for most goals ininternational appearances, most goals in german bundesliga and mostgoals in european club the thirteen can not be that bad at all, hehe! and together with theman called effect from poland, we bring you three different ways to"surrender" all your shit ;)

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