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12rec : EP01

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Catalog number
Playtime: 13:59 - 192kb/s - 15.73 MB



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Release Notes

'holger fach' opens the first jasmin-EP with a plain, repetetive motive. bass and guitar interlink like gear wheels, weave a carpet. the drums join in and carry the song calmly on their cymbals. a break, a gentle increase and 'holger fach' culminates bitter-sweetly.'buenos aires' materializes itself out of strange glassy sounds, a feedback breaks up, then the band follows up and transfers the soundcollage suddenly into a song.'vielleicht' resembles in its concentrated unanimity 'holger fach'. a guitar opens melancholy, a second scales itself in between. the bulky drums struggle against an open confession to pop, but sometimes aren´t able to resist rolling with them. 'vielleicht' ('maybe') jasmin's most accessible song.'longing for moments of objectivity' (the video for 'vielleicht') is in its formal austerity and its minimalism the logical extension of the jasmin- universe. in the fine balance between sound and visuals the surface of the pictures dissolves and a suction tears us gently through the night.

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