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terminalstation : Dream Oblivion - Faked Reality

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Catalog number
Playtime: 31:24 - 192kb/s - 35.32 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/03/11 13:39h



electronicadreampopsynthterminalstationterminalstationtripoblivionfakedrealityhop Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

'Marco Monti and Martin Rinaldi are an Italian based powerhouse synth duo. Their music explores mesmerizing intensity, with semi dark synth layers, cranked out over heart pounding rock sounding bass beats, and drum breaks. Check out Behold the Waves and Broken Down as these shiny little gems equally captivate the feeling of extrordinary blockbuster action packed science...' [Magnetisme Kultra]

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