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HAZE : Dream Incorporation

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Catalog number
Playtime: 37:10 - 252kb/s - 54.73 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/12/29 11:01h



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Release Notes

The eleven tracks on this album grew out of extensively processed and arranged improvisations recorded between July and October 2014 in Hattingen and Wuppertal, deep in good old western Germany.

Everyday experience in this so called modern, especially technical and scientifical world is that our basic human needs and perceptions interfer with those more or less abstract and formal reality constructions which come from our minds.

While sleeping, these two seperate streams of conciousness have to be incorporated to get an integrated awareness again. Sometimes a pleasure for our mind, but, as we experience, emotionally not easy from time to time as well - Dream Incorporation.

The principal instruments are trumpet (F. Wilke) and modular synthesizer (M. Reineke), as well as various other acoustic (field recordings, harmonica, overtone flute, percussion, recorders) and electronic (no-input effect units, analogue synthesizers, software synthesizers) sound sources.
The result is a field of contexts cornered by elements of ambient, contemporary electroacoustics, drone, dub, free improvisationand microtonality.

By the way: the starting point of our improvisations was the engagement in the marvelous baroque music of Valentin Haussmann (1560-1614).

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