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suRRism-Phonoethics : Double Bind

Catalog number
Playtime: 50:08 - 320kb/s - 94.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/08/04 18:29h



lezetsurrism-phonoethicskenji siratoridouble bindspe 0033 Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

suRRism-Phonoethics is proud to announceKenji Siratori & Lezet - 'Double Bind'!this recently uncovered package is a trusted phonoethic treasure being shared to you..."Kenji Siratori's idiosyncrasy of style and address runs far deeper than the simple need to impress or appall. By rendering the linear narrative and the text itself obsolete, making it suffer a disease, the doublespeak in it becomes a manifestation of the "mind-virus" he deploys. His obsession with technology, war and other abominations weaved into the fabrics of our global society calls for simultaneous textual assaults on the isms and the anti-tradition tradition. The revised cyberpunk aesthetics highlights and adds up to “conceptual pain” heralding the much needed “virus” which is about to reclaim the cybernetic space and geographical distances for a reinvigorated human discourse. As he has once said it in an interview , the mixed-media and music collaborators that crosses paths with him “function as the place to amplify the mind-virus”, and I’m proud to be one of the many vectors helping its propagation."-Igor Jovanovic'remind or do you mind, I spit on my answer's eyes dot sun disc mooni fork papers listed lovemy you see this you're I also themfly randomyou the hies drummer healthywas out meas reverse tears during burnirunpastclosing the tree's leaves...Passages Ping!His burning hairi ears face fear of wales squeezingthe taped belted loveher wounds line whitethis was tongue and watched to spread the buckleacross, more Funkyou_ mywhile Alsoa crossing...¬'-undRess BétonVisit these masters: Kenji Siratori & Lezet.This audio is part of the collection: suRRism-Phonoethics

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