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HAZE : Diving Bell

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Catalog number
Playtime: 52:02 - 320kb/s - 97.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/08/05 14:03h



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Release Notes

Diving Bell is the collective of Jerod Sommerfeldt (laptop) and David McDonnell (saxophone, electronics).

Jerod Sommerfeldt
Focusing on the creation of algorithmic and stochastic processes, utilizing the results for both fixed and real-time composition and improvisation, Jerod Sommerfeldt’s music explores digital audio artifacts and the destruction of technology, resulting in work that questions the dichotomy between the intended and unintentional. He is currently teaching coursework in computer music at the University of Dayton and music theory and counterpoint at Miami University.

Jerod served as an adjunct faculty at the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati and his music and research have been included at the Cincinnati Ballet, Electronic Music Midwest, 2012 Front Wave New Music Festival in Palm Beach, FL, 2012 SEAMUS Conference in Appleton, WI, 2011 SEAMUS Conference in Miami, FL, 2009 Society of Composers National Conference in Santa Fe, NM, 2008 soundON Festival of Modern Music in La Jolla, CA, 2010 Midwest Composers Symposium, La Crosse New Music Festival, Music From Almost Yesterday Concert Series, Unruly Music Concert Series, Sonic Explorations, Performance Time and Arts Series, the University of Wyoming, by the NOISE Ensemble of San Diego, CA, the Thelema Trio (Belgium), and a commission by concert:nova (Cincinnati). Jerod is a member of the International Computer Music Association (ICMA), Society for Electroacoustic Musicians in the United States (SEAMUS), the Electronic Music Foundation (EMF), the Wisconsin Alliance for Composers, the Society of Composers, the College Music Society, and ASCAP. His music is recorded on Petcord, HAZE, Don’t Be a Stranger, Bohn Media, and can be found on SoundCloud,, YouTube, and Vimeo.

David McDonnell
"I'm a Composer-Multi Instrumentalist-Computer Music Programmer. A Chicago native, I'm currenty based in Cincinnati, where I'm finishing up a Doctorate in Composition at Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music."

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