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Schoenermusic : Die unglaublichen Wanderungen der Thiere

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Catalog number
Playtime: 48:32 - 192kb/s - 54.60 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/02/18 13:42h



experimentalambientpianoelectroacousticorchestraltsunamisamplesschoenermusicacousmatic Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The last track on this album, the orchestral piece 'Die unglaublichen Wanderungen der Thiere', was the first to be composed. 'Flora und Fauna auf Bali' was the second and uses material of this last track for recomposition. 'Sichelklinge wider Willen' rearranges the slow movement of the third piano sonata by Johannes Brahms. 'Harmonisch bin ich kein Genie' rearranges the second movement of Haydn’s string quartet op. 33,5. Finally, the first track 'Ihre unbeantworteten Fragen beantwortet II' is a retrograde inversion of the string quartet setting of 'The Unanswered Question' by Charles Ives arranged for piano four hands.

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