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DAST Net Recordings : Der Letzte Schrei

Catalog number
Playtime: 02:02:24 - 320kb/s - 229.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/07/31 19:51h



technominimaldubdast net recordingsretro/vintage electronicrolling basslines Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"TECHNO ROCK" is the answer to the question asked at Koolkilla & Strehm ... "What kind of music you actually do?" One of the harder sound of both..., timeless, hypnotic and magical on a journey across through the electro universe. Koolkilla & Strehm create entirely new fantastic sound atmospheres, the rolling basslines drop even at this moment tremendously from the ceiling but then suddenly you threaten to overwhelm even befor you approach breaks down the next moment. More than eight months to meet the two friends only Tuesday afternoon ... "it was the only day in the week we both could koordenieren meantime" K & S. The result is a huge masterpiece with "techno anthem" potential. "MUSIC! ... IS THE ONLY REAL DRUG!"

Artist....: Koolkilla & Strehm
Title....: Der Letzte Schrei
Label....: DAST Net Recordings
Catalog#....: DAST022_LP
Released....: 31 Jul 2011
Medium....: Free Net Release (Long Player Extra), 18 x Track/File
Format....: (MPEG Layer 3 Audio File) & (Wave Soundformat File)
Quality....: (320 kBit/s/44,1KHz/High-Q) & (1411 kBit/s / Original Master Files)
Size/Zip Archiv....: (Mp3/280Mb) & (Wave/1,20Gb)
Mastering...: Mèrge Audio Works
Gerne....: Electronic
Style....: Retro/Vintage Electronic, Techno, Minimal, Dub, Rolling Basslines

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