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crazy language : Deconstruction And Birth

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Playtime: 17:44 - 320kb/s - 33.25 MB
Date released



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Release Notes

Crushing Melodies

Barcelona's Logical Disorder offers us four tracks of crushing beats and shy melodies in this Deconstruction and Birth EP. The influence and diversity of styles in this four tracks that consititute the EP, is immediatly recognizable. What is more surprising is that you'll find undeniable consistency among them. Haunting pads will fill your ears right before the industrialized beats arrive. It's no mere industrial what you're hearing. You'll notice the attention to detail that Javier Barrero gives to the songs, influence of good and classic IDM, all of this supported by textures and melody that will make you dream or shiver by it's agressiveness at times. This is a game of tight arrangements and contrasts that will make you come back for more. [F.G.]

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