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DAST Net Recordings : Days Of Orange Sunshine EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 34:51 - 320kb/s - 65.34 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/06 23:52h



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Release Notes

It is the third publication of the german techno producer and label co-founder B. Strehm under the project name "Funke7". His latest work, "Days Of Orange Sunshine EP" convinces not only by the high quality, it is especially the abstract fantasy worlds paired with minimalistic techno aesthetics, that merge into a unique synthetic soundscape, including dance floor potential.

A very special treat are the two remixes, created by the collaboration with our friend and colleague, the swiss DJ and producer, "THE WEB". Like no other, it sees the tracks his personal unique touch to breathe, so that even the smallest lizard suddenly mutates into a monstrous fire breathing dragon. Another highlight is the participation of the Australian songwriter and singer "CXXXVI". When it comes, to writing strange lyrics and refine electronic music with a fabulous voice, so they have already involved a great number. And precisely these strengths, not least the artistic talent of the duo and their joint project "THE WEB & CXXXVI" reflects the exclusive for this release produced music video.

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