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D-TRASH : DTRASH178 - The Hyperdriven Extremes

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Catalog number
Playtime: 50:24 - 320kb/s - 94.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/07/21 04:27h



noiseexperimentalindustrialrhythmic noisedigital hardcoreremixesgrindcoreschizoidhyperdriver Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The next cipher of SCHIZOID “The Next Extreme” era is unveiled. Not for squeamish ears, by any means. All 16 tracks front to back remixed by UK noise/breaks artist HYPERDRIVER. His albums on D-TRASH and remixes of the roster have long provided a unique brand of excess to the table, a deftly rhythmic noiserama to burst open ears and destroy the mind. This Hyperdriven take on “The Next Extreme” will please fans of HYPERDRIVER, SCHIZOID and extreme digital musick…

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