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crazy language : Cosmic

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 45:39 - 320kb/s - 85.59 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/06/07 19:54h



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Release Notes

Bassy HybridZeno's album "Cosmic" comes as a pleasant surprise to the CL catalog, this time bringing UK's most famous basslines straight out of the dubstep genre, directly from the transantlantic city of Denver (USA). After a year of almost releases, Zeno finally presents us with this delightful record and the wait was worthwhile. Zeno doesn't follow the traditional genre rules, instead he brings a more complex feeling to it, drawing influences from a variety of places that quickly evolve in different directions, mixing itself with the most improbable genres. With classic acid techno synth lines, moody ambients and everything he can find, Zeno explores uncharted territores with "Cosmic". MC Zulu gives his vocals to the DJ Machine song and surprises doesn't just end here: Jack-of-All-Trades Huron, gives us two lovely remixes to complete this bass driven trip, with a more classical approach, faithful to the roots of dubstep and another stimulating remix from veteran Widdler complements the album with a re-interpretation from Clish. (F.G.)

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

2010 06 dubidihoi
2010 06 dubidihoi
Airplay Playlist
17 Tracks | Playtime: 01:18:05

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