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Section27 : Communique

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Catalog number
Playtime: 53:08 - 320kb/s - 99.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/04/28 03:49h



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Release Notes

This one is for the fans both old and new.... for anyone who has ever commented and expressed their confidence in my abilities. Every one of you are valued.

Special mentions [in no particular order]:

Adrian Teodor, Dave Allen, Ian Komosa, Martin Boulton, Andy Turner, Roel Funcken, Pat Murphy, Stephen McCauley, Herb Square, Cloxboy, Mikhail Bougie, Varin Marshall, Slobodan Stevic, Barry Forbes and last but not least , the lads at Section 27 Tam Ferrans / Andy Paterson for allowing me within 20ft of their roster =)

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