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Lost Elements : Clwydian Reels

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Catalog number
Playtime: 36:12 - 320kb/s - 67.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2015/08/07 19:57h



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Release Notes

Lost Elements #013

Midnight Circuitry – Clwydian Reels

Track 1 written and produced by Long Island Magnetics Group in 2015. Track 4 written by Area and produced by Silent Shadow in 2014. Tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 written and produced by Midnight Circuitry in 2015. The [LE013] promotional net-release and all work there within is copyrighted under C.C. Licence – Creative Commons License: 3.0 Attribution-Noncommercial-No-Derivative-Works.


1) Long Island Magnetics Group – Morning with Amelia
2) Midnight Circuitry – Soviet Cellar System
3) Midnight Circuitry – MoTown-East
4) Silent Shadow – Chicago Tape Assault
5) Midnight Circuitry – Denbigh Asylum [13.06.15]
6) Midnight Circuitry – Metrophon 525
7) Midnight Circuitry – Sabbat at Bryn Beddau
8) Midnight Circuitry – Dawn Circles at Hawarden Wood
9) Midnight Circuitry – 1988, Love and Vertigo

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