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phonocake : Clouds under the Bridges

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Catalog number
Playtime: 41:14 - 320kb/s - 77.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/16 19:12h



electronicaexperimentalambientdresdenmp3flacintrospectivedebut2012live recordings Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

A cloud moving "unspectacularly beautiful", surrounding the semicircular, close to the sickle shape, deeply glaring in the moon, pulling layers of purity in a mystical theatre of time traveling, sending the aetherical stream from India across Norway to Istanbul, in the obscure but not dark, but artificial and subtle, "both frightening and beautiful"(GH).

With the album "Clouds under the bridges" we finally accomplish to introduce one of the musicians, who is more known through live music projects. So it doesn't wonder, that most of the tracks released here derive from live recordings. "Winterberg" is the artists Electronic Project. His album introduces Phonocake's new year, starting with the first snow in Dresden here. Again it is a release to lay back and to think back and forth, as it should be also in the fastest of times. Winterbergs frequencies form a soundtrack of introspection, a stream, which carries us and our minds.

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Im remembrance of Frank Köllges, the drummer, percussionist and navigator of the legendary Bimbotown Orchestra, who passed on way too early on January the first 2012 in Neuss.

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