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phonocake : Clouds Leave No Trace

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Playtime: 50:00 - 320kb/s - 93.75 MB
Date published
2010/08/16 21:42h



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Release Notes

"clouds leave no trace in the fragile,just like my being"It's time to find the holy grail in the dark. A secret part in the cave-system, a hidden world. Forget all crisis for some time, think of healing, love and regeneration/recreation. The spring starts in your body, weatherless chaos, envisioning the future of ideas. We are filled with pleasure having the honour to present Barcelona's D-Fried with his beautiful sounds in electronic worlds, that hold an intense and chilling spirit, creating a roomflooding atmosphere of peace. Along with this great release we can see an amazing artwork by Tokyo-based contemporary artist Buna, who also created the latest Funckarma-Release-Artwork. Much thanks.

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