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Audiocast Productions : Clinophobia

Catalog number
Playtime: 16:12 - 320kb/s - 30.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/06/24 14:47h



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Release Notes

'Clinophobia', as the toffs in suits and grey beards will call it, is the fear of going to bed. Some people might think this is a bad thing. Others think its just another excuse to dance...

Clinophobia is the first official release from Mr Headphone. Its the lovechild of too much coffee before bedtime, a mash of hard hitting beats, and that soft whisper of wonder they call synth. If you came here to chill out to a nice ambient track, then I'm sorry my friend, you came to the wrong place. However, have a wait for the next release. You might just find the right place...

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

2010 06 dubidihoi
2010 06 dubidihoi
Airplay Playlist
17 Tracks | Playtime: 01:18:05

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