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FUSELab : Clapan - Native Elements

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Playtime: 01:00 - 320kb/s - 112.50 MB
Date published
2010/12/14 12:51h
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Release Notes

[*Podcast / Jumble 4]

Fourth Jumble podcast is a live-session called "Native Elements" from worshipful Denis Korsunsky aka Clapan. First of all this live improvisation is recorded by Denis in real time using a set of interactive technologies he created over the past 10 years. "Native Elements" combines a lot of interesting solutions and approaches to electronic music creation and it's rhythmic figures and unexpected deep analog textures enable every listener to find himself outside the everyday sound environment on a meditative level. This recording is also available on German, where the next release of Denis Korsunsky's Information Ghetto is preparing.

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