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Sostanze Records : Cirque de Poche

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Playtime: 19:17 - 320kb/s - 36.16 MB
Date published
2013/10/30 11:21h



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Release Notes

Artist: Digi G'Alessio
Artwork: Kae
Title: Cirque de Poche
Genre: Bass Music; Wonky; Juke;
Release on: 22/11/2012

(Description curated by Marco Stilo)
Genius and intemperance. The attitude of whom is without rules. Losing yourself among Digi G'Alessio's beats is just an illusion. Because, when you've finished to listening to him, you realize where the music is aheading. A music therapy.
The Tuscany-based artist flies away through the brand new release by the indie net-label Sostanze Records. We don't get what he is doing, what he has in mind.
Anyway, there's the strong feeling that what he's doing is the closest future that we can play loud in our headphones. In "Cirque de Poche", you get into a circus made up of beats produced for each character, from the aerialist to the magician, from the clown to the acrobat. It's useless to talk about music styles when the talent creates sounds out of any context. Digi gets fun and smiles while he works. You realize that he's on another side. Tightrope walker.

1. Clown
2. Manager
3. Dresseur de Lions
4. Jongleur
5. Trapeziste
6. Acrobate
7. Illusioniste
8. Grande Finale

Digi G'alessio: SoundCloud | Facebook | Twitter

Sostanze Records | SoundCloud | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

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