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Bypass : Chemodulator

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Catalog number
Playtime: 36:26 - 320kb/s - 68.35 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/01 17:25h



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Release Notes

Siegmar Fricke started his first musical experiments in 1981 using tape-recorders and shortwave-radio signals to create collages of musique-concrète. After intense activities in the European tape-scene between 1985 and 1993 he founded the project Efficient Refineries together with Miguel A. Ruiz from Madrid who is already active in the Spanish electronic scene since the 80s. Further CD-collaborations and reworkings with the Italian sound-artist Maurizio Bianchi were realized. Siegmar Fricke released many net-albums all around the world with studies of clinical soundscapes ("Pharmakustik").All full-length CD entitled "Subdural Space" in high-quality digisleeve has been released on the Japanese label KUBITSURI TAPES in October 2008.Chemodulator comprises the sum of innovative experiences resulting from daily explorations and research in pharmakustik sound-symbiosis. The machinistic fluidity of rusty analogue frequencies melting with dismembered rhythmical particles and unvoiced robotix forms completely new organic tissues of constantly permutating electron-transfer. CHEMODULATOR is the forceful electrolytic answer to the border areas of increativity and commercial corrosion.

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