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mastik : Candle Light Therapy LP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:16:37 - 320kb/s - 143.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/02/13 20:33h



dnbjungleatmosphericintelligentliquiddrum and bassatmospheric drum and bassliquid funk Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

From concept to reality has been done a long way. We cope with all the problems and now present to you Candle Light Therapy, a collection of 12 great tracks from talented drum and bass artists from around the world.

This compilation presents a lush sound landscape that ranges from gently ambient to resoundingly intense invites you to explore this new and exciting sonic path. Light the candles and sit back quietly.

This is a brilliant example of what mastik netlabel has to offer!

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