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restingbell : Canciones del Futuro

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Catalog number
Playtime: 18:29 - 192kb/s - 20.79 MB
Date released



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Release Notes

Ghosts and Strings is the current project by composer/sound artist/multi-instrumentalist David Molina, also known as "Los Veneremos".Molina studied and performed classical guitar for almost 12 years until he discovered the art of recording and scoring music for theatre, dance, film. 12 more years went by and the rest was history.Unlike the output of his experimental, noise, ambient group Transient, "Canciones del Futuro" is an epic, harmonic, cinematic, guitar driven, 3 track EP. Molina combines field-recordings, beautiful guitar lines, percussion, organic samples, flutes, and voice to create wonderful touching songs that fall some where in between Folk, Shoegaze, Electronica and Ambient.

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