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Compiling a Network : CaN vs. Thinner (pt.1)

Playtime: 51:38 - 320kb/s - 96.73 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/22 14:56h



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Release Notes

From the "dee3 | datamixes"-series; tracklist:

Laura Palmer: Evolve / [thn095]-01
Laura Palmer: Evolve (Marko Fürstenberg Remix) / [thn095]-04
Sebastian Redenz: Illusion / [thn010]-04
Surphase and Rktic: Elbwaerts / [thn040]-03
LOD: Sol (Marko Fürstenberg Remix) / [thn074]-07
Benfay: Oak / [thn054]-03
Gurtz: Klok (Deluge Remix) / [thn074]-06
Surphase and Rktic: Südschleuse / [thn040]-04
Surphase and Rktic: Tidenhub / [thn040]-01
Jason Corder: Deja Hue / [thn057]-01
Brian Kage: Eight Ways / [thn056]-01


From more details and downloads of the individual tracks/E.P.s used in this mix, visit Thinner´s website:


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