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Compiling a Network : CaN vs rohformat (Pt. 1)

Playtime: 01:08:04 - 320kb/s - 127.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/22 15:05h



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Release Notes

From the "dee3 |datamixes"-series; tracklist:

Gijs van der Brugge: Branding / [ _rf01701]
Ronny Pries: Distant Paths part 1 / [ _rf041a]
Ronny Pries: Kolbenfresser / [ _rf01202]
Dupont: Mononoir (MMS Dark 00301 Machine Mix) / [ _rf036c-d]
P. Nazon: Centre Ville / [ _rf00602]
Ronny Pries: Blechroehre 1 / [ _rf00501]
U.Known: Pressure 1 / [ _rf00701]
Karl Lihagen: Track 2 / [ _rf02902]
Dupont: Simpleton 00 / [ _rf042a]
Prsto: Gadget 2 / [ _rf038b]
Dupont: Monoblanc / [ _rf036a]
Ronin: Tunnelvision / [ _rf043-09]
Danny Andersen: 04 Style (rp in the groove rmx) / [ _rf031d]
Ronin: Walk This Way / [ _rf043-10]
Karl Lihagen: a1 / [ _rf032]
Ronald van Aggelen: Binnenplaats / [ _rf01601]
Direct Drive System: Genetic Engineering / [ _rf02601]
Source: Gasform / [ _rf033b]
Jerzz: Telephone Rapist / [ _rf040d]

For more info regarding _rohformat, visit the label's website at: Shout-outs, respect and eternal thanks goes to _rohformat(and Ronny Pries in particular) for all of the help and the support…!!!


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