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Compiling a Network : CaN via

Playtime: 59:40 - 320kb/s - 111.81 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/19 18:10h



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Release Notes

Originally aired as a radio-set for (Radio X, Reykjavík - Iceland)and from the "dee3 | datamixes"-series; tracklist:

Matt Jackson: Water Down the Drain / Tropic
Marko Fürstenberg: Porn Infection (Remix) / Thinner
Bjørn Svin & Christian Bloch: Stille Sind (Bloch´s Memento Mix) / Fungue Droppings/Memento
Gareth Duprey: Untitled Audio#02 (Dimitri Pike Remix) / Wildub
Carl Taylor: Anagyn / (Unreleased)
The Reminder: Lite On / Etiku World Rec.
Roger van Lunteren: Octoplex (Alpha Pulse Version) / (Unreleased)
Mick Chillage: Menace / (Unreleased)
Evolutive System: D3 Acid House / Code 316 Records
Brothers on Acid: Wertarbeit / (Unreleased)
DJ Huey: Quazars / (Unreleased)
Dimitri Pike: My Life in The Jungle / Wildtek
Jimidge & Oli Brand: Out Patient / KSS Records
Julian Eustace: Loose Underground (a dee3-mash) / (Unreleased)
Julian Eustace: Stormlifter (a dee3-mash) / (Unreleased)
Mezerik: Loop1 / (Unreleased)

"Loose Underground" is comprised of the two tracks "Loose" and "Underground"."Stormlifter" is comprised of the two tracks "Strormbreaker" and "Lift".All four original tracks are released on Static Records.

The individual tracks' copyright are held by the respective artists andlabels - and are here used with their prior and/or written permission.

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